Feature sequence panel
Gene features
If you have a track with gene or transcript level features, then the feature detail sidebar will automatically stitch together the sequence for that feature. Options include:
- CDS - the coding sequences, spliced together
- Protein - performs protein translation on the CDS, currently assuming the default codon translation table
- cDNA - the CDS plus UTR, or just all exons if a non-coding gene
- Gene w/ introns - the entire gene region sequence with the introns included
- Gene w/ 10bp of introns - the spliced gene sequence with 10bp around the splice sites shown
- Gene w/ 500 up+down stream - the entire gene region with 500bp upstream and downstream (shown in light red)
- Gene w/ 500 up+down stream + 10bp of introns - the spliced gene sequence with 10bp around the splice sites shown and the up/down stream shown
Some of the parameters such as 500bp and 10bp are arbitrarily chosen, if you are interested in adjusting these default parameters let us know.

Other feature types
Clicking on other types of features will have the "Feature sequence" button in the feature details widget, but will not automatically "stitch" together subfeature sequences, instead just giving the literal sequence underlying a feature. You can also configure the number of flanking bases upstream and downstream to display with the gear icon