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Variant tracks

Visualizing variant tracks from the VCF format alongside the original alignment evidence track is a common workflow for validating your results, shown below:

Variant track indicating a SNP alongside the alignment track evidence.
Figure: Variant track indicating a SNP alongside the alignment track evidence.

Variant widget

The variant features have a specialized widget that contains a table indicating all the calls that were made in a multi-sample VCF. Some VCF files, like the 1000 genomes VCF, can contain thousands of samples in a single file. This table can display the details.

Screenshot showing the variant feature sidebar with a filtered by genotype (with alternative allele '1'). Users can also filter by sample name or other attributes.
Figure: Screenshot showing the variant feature sidebar with a filtered by genotype (with alternative allele '1'). Users can also filter by sample name or other attributes.