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Note: this document is automatically generated from mobx-state-tree objects in our source code. See Core concepts and intro to pluggable elements for more info

Source file


GridBookmarkWidgetModel - Properties

property: id

// type signature
IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>
// code
id: ElementId

property: type

// type signature
// code
type: types.literal('GridBookmarkWidget')

property: bookmarks

removed by postProcessSnapshot, only loaded from localStorage

// type signature
IOptionalIType<IArrayType<IModelType<{ refName: ISimpleType<string>; start: ISimpleType<number>; end: ISimpleType<number>; reversed: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<boolean>, [...]>; } & { ...; } & { ...; }, { ...; } & { ...; }, _NotCustomized, _NotCustomized>>, [...]>
// code
bookmarks: types.optional(types.array(LabeledRegionModel), () =>
JSON.parse(localStorageGetItem(localStorageKeyF()) || '[]'),

GridBookmarkWidgetModel - Getters

getter: bookmarkAssemblies

// type

getter: validAssemblies

// type

getter: areBookmarksHighlightedOnAllOpenViews

// type

getter: areBookmarksHighlightLabelsOnAllOpenViews

// type

getter: bookmarksWithValidAssemblies

// type
({ refName: string; start: number; end: number; reversed: boolean; assemblyName: string; label: string; highlight: string; } & NonEmptyObject & { setRefName(newRefName: string): void; } & { ...; } & IStateTreeNode<...>)[]

getter: sharedBookmarksModel

// type
{ sharedBookmarks: IMSTArray<IModelType<{ refName: ISimpleType<string>; start: ISimpleType<number>; end: ISimpleType<number>; reversed: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<boolean>, [...]>; } & { ...; } & { ...; }, { ...; } & { ...; }, _NotCustomized, _NotCustomized>> & IStateTreeNode<...>; } & NonEmptyObject & IStateTreeNod...

getter: allBookmarksModel

// type
{ sharedBookmarks: IMSTArray<IModelType<{ refName: ISimpleType<string>; start: ISimpleType<number>; end: ISimpleType<number>; reversed: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<boolean>, [...]>; } & { ...; } & { ...; }, { ...; } & { ...; }, _NotCustomized, _NotCustomized>> & IStateTreeNode<...>; } & NonEmptyObject & IStateTreeNod...

getter: selectedAssemblies

// type

GridBookmarkWidgetModel - Actions

action: setSelectedAssemblies

// type signature
setSelectedAssemblies: (assemblies?: string[]) => void

action: importBookmarks

// type signature
importBookmarks: (regions: Region[]) => void

action: addBookmark

// type signature
addBookmark: (region: Region) => void

action: removeBookmark

// type signature
removeBookmark: (index: number) => void

action: updateBookmarkLabel

// type signature
updateBookmarkLabel: (bookmark: IExtendedLabeledRegionModel, label: string) => void

action: updateBookmarkHighlight

// type signature
updateBookmarkHighlight: (bookmark: IExtendedLabeledRegionModel, color: string) => void

action: updateBulkBookmarkHighlights

// type signature
updateBulkBookmarkHighlights: (color: string) => void

action: setSelectedBookmarks

// type signature
setSelectedBookmarks: (bookmarks: IExtendedLabeledRegionModel[]) => void

action: setBookmarkedRegions

// type signature
setBookmarkedRegions: (regions: IMSTArray<IModelType<{ refName: ISimpleType<string>; start: ISimpleType<number>; end: ISimpleType<number>; reversed: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<boolean>, [...]>; } & { ...; } & { ...; }, { ...; } & { ...; }, _NotCustomized, _NotCustomized>>) => void

action: setHighlightToggle

// type signature
setHighlightToggle: (toggle: boolean) => void

action: setLabelToggle

// type signature
setLabelToggle: (toggle: boolean) => void

action: clearAllBookmarks

// type signature
clearAllBookmarks: () => void

action: clearSelectedBookmarks

// type signature
clearSelectedBookmarks: () => void