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Note: this document is automatically generated from mobx-state-tree objects in our source code. See Core concepts and intro to pluggable elements for more info

Source file


BaseInternetAccountModel - Properties

property: id

// type signature
IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>
// code
id: ElementId

property: type

// type signature
// code
type: types.string

property: configuration

// type signature
ConfigurationSchemaType<{ name: { description: string; type: string; defaultValue: string; }; description: { description: string; type: string; defaultValue: string; }; authHeader: { description: string; type: string; defaultValue: string; }; tokenType: { ...; }; domains: { ...; }; }, ConfigurationSchemaOptions<...>>
// code
configuration: ConfigurationReference(BaseInternetAccountConfig)

BaseInternetAccountModel - Getters

getter: name

// type

getter: description

// type

getter: internetAccountId

// type

getter: authHeader

// type

getter: tokenType

// type

getter: domains

// type

getter: toggleContents

Can use this to customize what is displayed in fileSelector's toggle box

// type

getter: SelectorComponent

Can use this to customize what the fileSelector. It takes a prop called setLocation that should be used to set a UriLocation

// type

getter: selectorLabel

Can use this to add a label to the UrlChooser. Has no effect if a custom SelectorComponent is supplied

// type

getter: tokenKey

The key used to store this internetAccount's token in sessionStorage

// type

BaseInternetAccountModel - Methods

method: handlesLocation

Determine whether this internetAccount provides credentials for a URL

// type signature
handlesLocation: (location: UriLocation) => boolean

BaseInternetAccountModel - Actions

action: getTokenFromUser

Must be implemented by a model extending or composing this one. Pass the user's token to resolve.

// type signature
getTokenFromUser: (_resolve: (token: string) => void, _reject: (error: Error) => void) => void

action: storeToken

// type signature
storeToken: (token: string) => void

action: removeToken

// type signature
removeToken: () => void

action: retrieveToken

// type signature
retrieveToken: () => string

action: validateToken

This can be used by an internetAccount to validate a token works before it is used. This is run when preAuthorizationInformation is requested, so it can be used to check that a token is valid before sending it to a worker thread. It expects the token to be returned so that this action can also be used to generate a new token (e.g. by using a refresh token) if the original one was invalid. Should throw an error if a token is invalid.

// type signature
validateToken: (token: string, _loc: UriLocation) => Promise<string>

action: getToken

Try to get the token from the location pre-auth, from local storage, or from a previously cached promise. If token is not available, uses getTokenFromUser.

// type signature
getToken: (location?: UriLocation) => Promise<string>

action: addAuthHeaderToInit

// type signature
addAuthHeaderToInit: (init: RequestInit, token: string) => { headers: Headers; body?: BodyInit; cache?: RequestCache; credentials?: RequestCredentials; ... 9 more ...; window?: null; }

action: getPreAuthorizationInformation

Gets the token and returns it along with the information needed to create a new internetAccount.

// type signature
getPreAuthorizationInformation: (location: UriLocation) => Promise<{ internetAccountType: string; authInfo: { token: string; configuration: any; }; }>

action: getFetcher

Get a fetch method that will add any needed authentication headers to the request before sending it. If location is provided, it will be checked to see if it includes a token in it pre-auth information.

// type signature
getFetcher: (loc?: UriLocation) => (input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>

action: openLocation

Gets a filehandle that uses a fetch that adds auth headers

// type signature
openLocation: (location: UriLocation) => RemoteFileWithRangeCache