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Note: this document is automatically generated from mobx-state-tree objects in our source code. See Core concepts and intro to pluggable elements for more info

Source file


extends BaseLinearDisplay

SharedLinearPileupDisplayMixin - Properties

property: configuration

// type signature
// code
configuration: ConfigurationReference(configSchema)

property: featureHeight

// type signature
// code
featureHeight: types.maybe(types.number)

property: noSpacing

// type signature
// code
noSpacing: types.maybe(types.boolean)

property: fadeLikelihood

// type signature
// code
fadeLikelihood: types.maybe(types.boolean)

property: trackMaxHeight

// type signature
// code
trackMaxHeight: types.maybe(types.number)

property: colorBy

// type signature
IMaybe<IModelType<{ type: ISimpleType<string>; tag: IMaybe<ISimpleType<string>>; extra: IType<any, any, any>; }, {}, _NotCustomized, _NotCustomized>>
// code
colorBy: ColorByModel

property: filterBy

// type signature
IOptionalIType<IModelType<{ flagInclude: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<number>, [undefined]>; flagExclude: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<number>, [undefined]>; readName: IMaybe<...>; tagFilter: IMaybe<...>; }, {}, _NotCustomized, _NotCustomized>, [...]>
// code
filterBy: types.optional(FilterModel, {})

property: jexlFilters

// type signature
IOptionalIType<IArrayType<ISimpleType<string>>, [undefined]>
// code
jexlFilters: types.optional(types.array(types.string), [])

SharedLinearPileupDisplayMixin - Getters

getter: rendererConfig

// type
{ [x: string]: any; } & NonEmptyObject & { setSubschema(slotName: string, data: Record<string, unknown>): Record<string, unknown> | ({ [x: string]: any; } & NonEmptyObject & ... & IStateTreeNode<...>); } & IStateTreeNode<...>

getter: maxHeight

// type

getter: featureHeightSetting

// type

getter: featureUnderMouse

// type

getter: renderReady

// type
;() => boolean

getter: filters

// type

getter: rendererTypeName

// type

getter: DisplayBlurb

// type
({ model, }: { model: { sortedBy?: { pos: number; refName: number; type: string; tag?: string; }; }; }) => Element

SharedLinearPileupDisplayMixin - Methods

method: contextMenuItems

// type signature
contextMenuItems: () => { label: string; icon: (props: SvgIconProps) => Element; onClick: () => void; }[]

method: renderPropsPre

// type signature
renderPropsPre: () => any

method: colorSchemeSubMenuItems

// type signature
colorSchemeSubMenuItems: () => { label: string; onClick: () => void; }[]

method: trackMenuItems

// type signature
trackMenuItems: () => MenuItem[]

SharedLinearPileupDisplayMixin - Actions

action: setTagsReady

// type signature
setTagsReady: (flag: boolean) => void

action: setMaxHeight

// type signature
setMaxHeight: (n: number) => void

action: setFeatureHeight

// type signature
setFeatureHeight: (n?: number) => void

action: setNoSpacing

// type signature
setNoSpacing: (flag?: boolean) => void

action: setColorScheme

// type signature
setColorScheme: (colorScheme: { type: string; tag?: string; extra?: ExtraColorBy; }) => void

action: updateColorTagMap

// type signature
updateColorTagMap: (uniqueTag: string[]) => void

action: setFeatureUnderMouse

// type signature
setFeatureUnderMouse: (feat?: Feature) => void

action: selectFeature

// type signature
selectFeature: (feature: Feature) => void

action: copyFeatureToClipboard

uses copy-to-clipboard and generates notification

// type signature
copyFeatureToClipboard: (feature: Feature) => void

action: setConfig

// type signature
setConfig: (conf: { [x: string]: any; } & NonEmptyObject & { setSubschema(slotName: string, data: Record<string, unknown>): Record<string, unknown> | ({ [x: string]: any; } & NonEmptyObject & ... & IStateTreeNode<...>); } & IStateTreeNode<...>) => void

action: setFilterBy

// type signature
setFilterBy: (filter: IFilter) => void

action: setJexlFilters

// type signature
setJexlFilters: (filters: string[]) => void