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Note: this document is automatically generated from mobx-state-tree objects in our source code. See Core concepts and intro to pluggable elements for more info

Source file



BreakpointSplitView - Properties

property: type

// type signature
// code
type: types.literal('BreakpointSplitView')

property: height

// type signature
IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<number>, [undefined]>
// code
height: types.optional(
(n: number) => n >= minHeight,

property: trackSelectorType

// type signature
// code
trackSelectorType: 'hierarchical'
// type signature
// code
showIntraviewLinks: true

property: linkViews

// type signature
// code
linkViews: false

property: interactToggled

// type signature
// code
interactToggled: false

property: views

// type signature
IArrayType<IModelType<{ id: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>; displayName: IMaybe<ISimpleType<string>>; minimized: IType<boolean, boolean, boolean>; } & { ...; }, { ...; } & ... 15 more ... & { ...; }, ModelCreationType<...>, _NotCustomized>>
// code
views: types.array(
.stateModel as LinearGenomeViewStateModel,

BreakpointSplitView - Getters

getter: matchedTracks

Find all track ids that match across multiple views

// type

BreakpointSplitView - Methods

method: exportSvg

creates an svg export and save using FileSaver

// type signature
exportSvg: (opts?: ExportSvgOptions) => Promise<void>

method: getMatchedTracks

Get tracks with a given trackId across multiple views

// type signature
getMatchedTracks: (trackConfigId: string) => any[]

method: hasTranslocations

Translocation features are handled differently since they do not have a mate e.g. they are one sided

// type signature
hasTranslocations: (trackConfigId: string) => any

method: getTrackFeatures

Get a composite map of featureId->feature map for a track across multiple views

// type signature
getTrackFeatures: (trackConfigId: string) => Map<string, Feature>

method: getMatchedFeaturesInLayout

// type signature
getMatchedFeaturesInLayout: (trackConfigId: string, features: Feature[][]) => { feature: Feature; layout: LayoutRecord; level: any; }[][]

method: menuItems

// type signature
menuItems: () => ({ label: string; subMenu: MenuItem[]; } | { label: string; type: string; checked: boolean; onClick: () => void; icon?: undefined; } | { label: string; type: string; icon: OverridableComponent<SvgIconTypeMap<{}, "svg">> & { ...; }; checked: boolean; onClick: () => void; } | { ...; })[]

BreakpointSplitView - Actions

action: setWidth

// type signature
setWidth: (newWidth: number) => void

action: removeView

// type signature
removeView: (view: { id: string; displayName: string; minimized: boolean; type: string; offsetPx: number; bpPerPx: number; displayedRegions: Region[] & IStateTreeNode<IOptionalIType<IType<Region[], Region[], Region[]>, [...]>>; ... 10 more ...; colorByCDS: boolean; } & ... 18 more ... & IStateTreeNode<...>) => void

action: closeView

// type signature
closeView: () => void

action: toggleInteract

// type signature
toggleInteract: () => void
// type signature
toggleIntraviewLinks: () => void

action: toggleLinkViews

// type signature
toggleLinkViews: () => void

action: setMatchedTrackFeatures

// type signature
setMatchedTrackFeatures: (obj: Record<string, Feature[][]>) => void