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Note: this document is automatically generated from mobx-state-tree objects in our source code. See Core concepts and intro to pluggable elements for more info

Source file



BaseChordDisplay - Properties

property: bezierRadiusRatio

// type signature
// code
bezierRadiusRatio: 0.1

property: assemblyName

// type signature
// code
assemblyName: types.maybe(types.string)

property: configuration

// type signature
ConfigurationSchemaType<{ onChordClick: { type: string; description: string; defaultValue: boolean; contextVariable: string[]; }; }, ConfigurationSchemaOptions<undefined, "displayId">>
// code
configuration: ConfigurationReference(baseChordDisplayConfig)

BaseChordDisplay - Getters

getter: blockDefinitions

// type

getter: rendererType

the pluggable element type object for this display's renderer

// type

getter: selectedFeatureId

returns a string feature ID if the globally-selected object is probably a feature

// type

BaseChordDisplay - Methods

method: renderProps

// type signature
renderProps: () => any

method: isCompatibleWithRenderer

// type signature
isCompatibleWithRenderer: (renderer: RendererType) => renderer is CircularChordRendererType

method: renderSvg

// type signature
renderSvg: (opts: ExportSvgOptions & { theme: ThemeOptions; }) => Promise<Element>

BaseChordDisplay - Actions

action: onChordClick

// type signature
onChordClick: (feature: Feature) => void

action: renderStarted

// type signature
renderStarted: () => void

action: renderSuccess

// type signature
renderSuccess: ({ message, data, reactElement, html, renderingComponent, }: { message: string; data: any; html: string; reactElement: React.ReactElement; renderingComponent: React.ComponentType<any>; }) => void

action: renderError

// type signature
renderError: (error: unknown) => void

action: setRefNameMap

// type signature
setRefNameMap: (refNameMap: Record<string, string>) => void