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Note: this document is automatically generated from mobx-state-tree objects in our source code. See Core concepts and intro to pluggable elements for more info

Source file


ConnectionManagementSessionMixin - Properties

property: connectionInstances

// type signature
IArrayType<IModelType<{ name: ISimpleType<string>; tracks: IArrayType<IAnyModelType>; configuration: ConfigurationSchemaType<{ name: { type: string; defaultValue: string; description: string; }; assemblyNames: { ...; }; }, ConfigurationSchemaOptions<...>>; }, { ...; } & { ...; }, _NotCustomized, _NotCustomized>>
// code
connectionInstances: types.array(
) as BaseConnectionModel,

ConnectionManagementSessionMixin - Getters

getter: connections

// type
({ [x: string]: any; } & NonEmptyObject & { setSubschema(slotName: string, data: unknown): any; } & IStateTreeNode<ConfigurationSchemaType<{ name: { type: string; defaultValue: string; description: string; }; assemblyNames: { ...; }; }, ConfigurationSchemaOptions<...>>>)[]

ConnectionManagementSessionMixin - Actions

action: makeConnection

// type signature
makeConnection: (configuration: { [x: string]: any; } & NonEmptyObject & { setSubschema(slotName: string, data: unknown): any; } & IStateTreeNode<AnyConfigurationSchemaType>, initialSnapshot?: {}) => { ...; } & ... 3 more ... & IStateTreeNode<...>

action: prepareToBreakConnection

// type signature
prepareToBreakConnection: (configuration: { [x: string]: any; } & NonEmptyObject & { setSubschema(slotName: string, data: unknown): any; } & IStateTreeNode<AnyConfigurationSchemaType>) => (Record<...> | (() => void))[]

action: breakConnection

// type signature
breakConnection: (configuration: { [x: string]: any; } & NonEmptyObject & { setSubschema(slotName: string, data: unknown): any; } & IStateTreeNode<AnyConfigurationSchemaType>) => void

action: deleteConnection

// type signature
deleteConnection: (configuration: { [x: string]: any; } & NonEmptyObject & { setSubschema(slotName: string, data: unknown): any; } & IStateTreeNode<AnyConfigurationSchemaType>) => any

action: addConnectionConf

// type signature
addConnectionConf: (connectionConf: { [x: string]: any; } & NonEmptyObject & { setSubschema(slotName: string, data: unknown): any; } & IStateTreeNode<AnyConfigurationSchemaType>) => any

action: clearConnections

// type signature
clearConnections: () => void