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Note: this document is automatically generated from mobx-state-tree objects in our source code. See Core concepts and intro to pluggable elements for more info

Source file



LinearPileupDisplay - Properties

property: type

// type signature
// code
type: types.literal('LinearPileupDisplay')

property: configuration

// type signature
// code
configuration: ConfigurationReference(configSchema)

property: showSoftClipping

// type signature
// code
showSoftClipping: false

property: mismatchAlpha

// type signature
// code
mismatchAlpha: types.maybe(types.boolean)

property: sortedBy

// type signature
IMaybe<IModelType<{ type: ISimpleType<string>; pos: ISimpleType<number>; tag: IMaybe<ISimpleType<string>>; refName: ISimpleType<string>; assemblyName: ISimpleType<...>; }, {}, _NotCustomized, _NotCustomized>>
// code
sortedBy: types.maybe(
type: types.string,
pos: types.number,
tag: types.maybe(types.string),
refName: types.string,
assemblyName: types.string,

LinearPileupDisplay - Getters

getter: rendererConfig

// type
{ [x: string]: any; } & NonEmptyObject & { setSubschema(slotName: string, data: Record<string, unknown>): Record<string, unknown> | ({ [x: string]: any; } & NonEmptyObject & ... & IStateTreeNode<...>); } & IStateTreeNode<...>

getter: mismatchAlphaSetting

// type

LinearPileupDisplay - Methods

method: renderReady

// type signature
renderReady: () => boolean

method: renderPropsPre

// type signature
renderPropsPre: () => any

method: renderProps

// type signature
renderProps: () => any

method: trackMenuItems

// type signature
trackMenuItems: () => (MenuDivider | MenuSubHeader | NormalMenuItem | CheckboxMenuItem | RadioMenuItem | SubMenuItem | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; })[]

LinearPileupDisplay - Actions

action: setCurrSortBpPerPx

// type signature
setCurrSortBpPerPx: (n: number) => void

action: updateModificationColorMap

// type signature
updateModificationColorMap: (uniqueModifications: string[]) => void

action: setModificationsReady

// type signature
setModificationsReady: (flag: boolean) => void

action: setSortReady

// type signature
setSortReady: (flag: boolean) => void

action: clearSelected

// type signature
clearSelected: () => void

action: toggleSoftClipping

// type signature
toggleSoftClipping: () => void

action: toggleMismatchAlpha

// type signature
toggleMismatchAlpha: () => void

action: setSortedBy

// type signature
setSortedBy: (type: string, tag?: string) => void

action: setFeatureHeight

overrides base from SharedLinearPileupDisplay to make sortReady false since changing feature height destroys the sort-induced layout

// type signature
setFeatureHeight: (n?: number) => void

action: reload

// type signature
reload: () => void