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Note: this document is automatically generated from mobx-state-tree objects in our source code. See Core concepts and intro to pluggable elements for more info

Source file



DotplotView - Properties

property: id

// type signature
IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>
// code
id: ElementId

property: type

// type signature
// code
type: types.literal('DotplotView')

property: height

// type signature
// code
height: 600

property: borderSize

// type signature
// code
borderSize: 20

property: tickSize

// type signature
// code
tickSize: 5

property: vtextRotation

// type signature
// code
vtextRotation: 0

property: htextRotation

// type signature
// code
htextRotation: -90

property: fontSize

// type signature
// code
fontSize: 15

property: trackSelectorType

// type signature
// code
trackSelectorType: 'hierarchical'

property: assemblyNames

// type signature
// code
assemblyNames: types.array(types.string)

property: drawCigar

// type signature
// code
drawCigar: true

property: hview

// type signature
IOptionalIType<IModelType<{ id: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>; displayedRegions: IOptionalIType<IType<Region[], Region[], Region[]>, [...]>; bpPerPx: IType<...>; offsetPx: IType<...>; interRegionPaddingWidth: IOptionalIType<...>; minimumBlockWidth: IOptionalIType<...>; }, { ...; } & ... 8 more ......
// code
hview: types.optional(DotplotHView, {})

property: vview

// type signature
IOptionalIType<IModelType<{ id: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>; displayedRegions: IOptionalIType<IType<Region[], Region[], Region[]>, [...]>; bpPerPx: IType<...>; offsetPx: IType<...>; interRegionPaddingWidth: IOptionalIType<...>; minimumBlockWidth: IOptionalIType<...>; }, { ...; } & ... 8 more ......
// code
vview: types.optional(DotplotVView, {})

property: tracks

// type signature
IArrayType<IModelType<{ id: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>; type: ISimpleType<string>; configuration: AnyConfigurationSchemaType; minimized: IType<...>; displays: IArrayType<...>; }, { ...; } & ... 1 more ... & { ...; }, _NotCustomized, _NotCustomized>>
// code
tracks: types.array(
pm.pluggableMstType('track', 'stateModel') as BaseTrackStateModel,

property: viewTrackConfigs

this represents tracks specific to this view specifically used for read vs ref dotplots where this track would not really apply elsewhere

// type signature
// code
viewTrackConfigs: types.array(pm.pluggableConfigSchemaType('track'))

DotplotView - Getters

getter: width

// type

getter: assemblyErrors

// type

getter: assembliesInitialized

// type

getter: initialized

// type

getter: hticks

// type

getter: vticks

// type

getter: loading

// type

getter: viewWidth

// type

getter: viewHeight

// type

getter: views

// type
({ id: string; displayedRegions: Region[] & IStateTreeNode<IOptionalIType<IType<Region[], Region[], Region[]>, [undefined]>>; bpPerPx: number; offsetPx: number; interRegionPaddingWidth: number; minimumBlockWidth: number; } & ... 11 more ... & IStateTreeNode<...>)[]

getter: error

// type

DotplotView - Methods

method: renderProps

// type signature
renderProps: () => any

method: menuItems

// type signature
menuItems: () => ({ label: string; onClick: () => void; icon: OverridableComponent<SvgIconTypeMap<{}, "svg">> & { muiName: string; }; } | { label: string; onClick: () => void; icon?: undefined; } | { ...; })[]

DotplotView - Actions

action: setShowPanButtons

// type signature
setShowPanButtons: (flag: boolean) => void

action: setWheelMode

// type signature
setWheelMode: (str: string) => void

action: setCursorMode

// type signature
setCursorMode: (str: string) => void

action: setDrawCigar

// type signature
setDrawCigar: (flag: boolean) => void

action: clearView

returns to the import form

// type signature
clearView: () => void

action: setBorderX

// type signature
setBorderX: (n: number) => void

action: setBorderY

// type signature
setBorderY: (n: number) => void

action: setWidth

// type signature
setWidth: (newWidth: number) => number

action: setHeight

// type signature
setHeight: (newHeight: number) => number

action: setError

// type signature
setError: (e: unknown) => void

action: zoomOut

// type signature
zoomOut: () => void

action: zoomIn

// type signature
zoomIn: () => void

action: activateTrackSelector

// type signature
activateTrackSelector: () => Widget

action: showTrack

// type signature
showTrack: (trackId: string, initialSnapshot?: {}) => void

action: hideTrack

// type signature
hideTrack: (trackId: string) => number

action: toggleTrack

// type signature
toggleTrack: (trackId: string) => boolean

action: setAssemblyNames

// type signature
setAssemblyNames: (target: string, query: string) => void

action: setViews

// type signature
setViews: (arr: ModelCreationType<ExtractCFromProps<{ id: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>; displayedRegions: IOptionalIType<IType<Region[], Region[], Region[]>, [...]>; bpPerPx: IType<...>; offsetPx: IType<...>; interRegionPaddingWidth: IOptionalIType<...>; minimumBlockWidth: IOptionalIType<...>; }>>[]) => void

action: getCoords

// type signature
getCoords: (mousedown: Coord, mouseup: Coord) => { coord: number; index: number; refName: string; oob: boolean; assemblyName: string; offset: number; start: number; end: number; reversed?: boolean; }[]

action: zoomInToMouseCoords

zooms into clicked and dragged region

// type signature
zoomInToMouseCoords: (mousedown: Coord, mouseup: Coord) => void

action: showAllRegions

// type signature
showAllRegions: () => void

action: onDotplotView

creates a linear synteny view from the clicked and dragged region

// type signature
onDotplotView: (mousedown: Coord, mouseup: Coord) => void

action: exportSvg

creates an svg export and save using FileSaver

// type signature
exportSvg: (opts?: ExportSvgOptions) => Promise<void>

action: squareView

// type signature
squareView: () => void

action: squareViewProportional

// type signature
squareViewProportional: () => void