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Embedded components

Our embedded components allow you to use JBrowse in your application


This component embodies the entire jbrowse-web application as a NPM installable react component

Here is a table of different usages of the @jbrowse/react-app using different bundlers

BundlerDemoSource codeNote
create-react-app v5demosource codeFor create-react-app v5, we use craco to update the webpack config to polyfill some node modules. This demo uses webworkers.
next.jsdemosource codeUses next.js 14. Currently is hardcoded to use /demos/app-nextjs/ as sub-uri, update next.config.js to customize as needed. This demo was updated to use webworkers in 2024.
vitedemosource codeUses vite. This demo was updated to utilize the webworkers in 2024
farm-fedemosource codeUses farm (
vanillajsdemosource code


This NPM package consists of a single linear genome view that is usable as a React component

Here is a table of different usages of the @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view using different bundlers

BundlerDemoSource codeNote
create-react-app v5demosource codeFor create-react-app v5, we use craco to update the webpack config to polyfill some node modules. This demo uses webworkers
vitedemosource codeUses vite. This demo was updated to utilize webworkers in 2024
farm-fedemosource codeUses farm (
next.jsdemosource codeUses next.js 14. Currently is hardcoded to use /demos/lgv-nextjs/ as sub-uri, update next.config.js to customize as needed. This demo was updated to use webworkers in 2024
vanilla jsdemosource codeUses a script tag to include a UMD bundle, and doesn't require any transpilation or bundling. see also dev tutorial here


This component consists of a single JBrowse 2 circular view.

Here is a table of different usages of the @jbrowse/react-circular-genome-view using different bundlers

SyntaxDemoSource codeNote
create-react-app v5demosource codefor create-react-app v5, we use craco to update the webpack config to polyfill some node modules
vanilla jsdemosource codeuses a script tag to include a UMD bundle, and doesn't require any transpilation or bundling
nextjsdemosource codeuses next.js