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Embedded components

Our embedded components allow you to use JBrowse in your application


This component embodies the entire jbrowse-web application as a NPM installable react component

Here is a table of different usages of the @jbrowse/react-app using different bundlers

BundlerDemoSource codeNote
create-react-app v5demosource codefor create-react-app v5, we use craco to update the webpack config to polyfill some node modules. This demo also uses webworkers, which is a unique ability with webpack 5. See for details
next.jsdemosource codeuses next.js 13. Currently is hardcoded to use /demos/app-nextjs/ as sub-uri, update next.config.js to customize as needed
vitedemosource code
vanillajsdemosource code


This NPM package consists of a single linear genome view that is usable as a React component

Here is a table of different usages of the @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view using different bundlers

BundlerDemoSource codeNote
create-react-app v4demosource codeno polyfills needed in create-react-app v4. on newer versions of node, you can need to use export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider before building cra4 apps
create-react-app v5demosource codefor create-react-app v5, we use craco to update the webpack config to polyfill some node modules. This demo also uses webworkers, which is a unique ability with webpack 5. See for details
vitedemosource codefor vite, we use rollup to polyfill some node polyfills similar to craco in create-react-app v5.
next.jsdemosource codeuses next.js 13. Currently is hardcoded to use /demos/lgv-nextjs/ as sub-uri, update next.config.js to customize as needed
vanilla jsdemosource codeuses a script tag to include a UMD bundle, and doesn't require any transpilation or bundling. see also dev tutorial here


This component consists of a single JBrowse 2 circular view.

Here is a table of different usages of the @jbrowse/react-circular-genome-view using different bundlers

SyntaxDemoSource codeNote
create-react-app v4demosource codeno polyfills needed in create-react-app v4. on newer versions of node, you can need to use export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider before building cra4 apps
create-react-app v5demosource codefor create-react-app v5, we use craco to update the webpack config to polyfill some node modules
vanilla jsdemosource codeuses a script tag to include a UMD bundle, and doesn't require any transpilation or bundling
nextjsdemosource codeuses next.js