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Note: this document is automatically generated from configuration objects in our source code. See Config guide for more info

Source file


BaseTrack - Identifier

slot: explicitIdentifier

BaseTrack - Slots

slot: name

name: {
description: 'descriptive name of the track',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: 'Track',

slot: assemblyNames

assemblyNames: {
description: 'name of the assembly (or assemblies) track belongs to',
type: 'stringArray',
defaultValue: ['assemblyName'],

slot: description

description: {
description: 'a description of the track',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',

slot: category

category: {
description: 'the category and sub-categories of a track',
type: 'stringArray',
defaultValue: [],

slot: metadata

metadata: {
type: 'frozen',
description: 'anything to add about this track',
defaultValue: {},

slot: adapter

adapter: pluginManager.pluggableConfigSchemaType('adapter')

slot: textSearching.indexedAttributes

indexingAttributes: {
type: 'stringArray',
'list of which feature attributes to index for text searching',
defaultValue: ['Name', 'ID'],

slot: textSearching.indexingFeatureTypesToExclude

indexingFeatureTypesToExclude: {
type: 'stringArray',
description: 'list of feature types to exclude in text search index',
defaultValue: ['CDS', 'exon'],

slot: textSearching.textSearchAdapter

textSearchAdapter: pluginManager.pluggableConfigSchemaType(
'text search adapter',

slot: displays

displays: types.array(pluginManager.pluggableConfigSchemaType('display'))

slot: formatDetails.feature

feature: {
type: 'frozen',
description: 'adds extra fields to the feature details',
defaultValue: {},
contextVariable: ['feature'],

slot: formatDetails.subfeatures

subfeatures: {
type: 'frozen',
description: 'adds extra fields to the subfeatures of a feature',
defaultValue: {},
contextVariable: ['feature'],

slot: formatDetails.depth

depth: {
type: 'number',
defaultValue: 2,
'depth of subfeatures to iterate the formatter on formatDetails.subfeatures (e.g. you may not want to format the exon/cds subfeatures, so limited to 2',

slot: formatDetails.maxDepth

maxDepth: {
type: 'number',
defaultValue: 99999,
description: 'Maximum depth to render subfeatures',

slot: formatAbout.config

config: {
type: 'frozen',
description: 'formats configuration object in about dialog',
defaultValue: {},
contextVariable: ['config'],

slot: formatAbout.hideUris

hideUris: {
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: false,