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Note: this document is automatically generated from configuration objects in our source code. See Config guide for more info

Source file


BaseLinearDisplay is a "base" config that is extended by classes like LinearBasicDisplay (used for feature tracks, etc) and LinearBareDisplay (more stripped down than even the basic display, not commonly used)

BaseLinearDisplay - Identifier

slot: explicitIdentifier

BaseLinearDisplay - Slots

slot: maxFeatureScreenDensity

maxFeatureScreenDensity: {
type: 'number',
'maximum features per pixel that is displayed in the view, used if byte size estimates not available',
defaultValue: 0.3,

slot: fetchSizeLimit

fetchSizeLimit: {
type: 'number',
defaultValue: 1_000_000,
"maximum data to attempt to download for a given track, used if adapter doesn't specify one",

slot: height

height: {
type: 'number',
defaultValue: 100,
description: 'default height for the track',

slot: mouseover

mouseover: {
type: 'string',
description: 'text to display when the cursor hovers over a feature',
defaultValue: `jexl:get(feature,'name')`,

contextVariable: ['feature'],