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Source file
DeltaAdapter - Slots
slot: assemblyNames
assemblyNames: {
type: 'stringArray',
defaultValue: [],
'Array of assembly names to use for this file. The target assembly name is the first value in the array, query assembly name is the second',
slot: targetAssembly
alternative to assembly names
targetAssembly: {
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',
description: 'Alternative to assemblyNames: the target assembly name',
slot: queryAssembly
alternative to assembly names
queryAssembly: {
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',
description: 'Alternative to assemblyNames: the query assembly name',
slot: deltaLocation
deltaLocation: {
type: 'fileLocation',
defaultValue: { uri: '/path/to/', locationType: 'UriLocation' },