JBrowse 1.7.4 bugfix release
JBrowse 1.7.4 has been released, containing fixes for some more issues found in the 1.7.3 release and earlier. In particular, several bad bugs have been fixed in support for Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer.
Files for download:
JBrowse-1.7.4.zip - 2.9M
JBrowse-1.7.4-dev.zip - 28.6M Changes in this release:
Fixed a bug preventing loading of JBrowse in some browsers. Thanks to Steffi Geisen for pointing this out.
Fixed a bug in the BigWig data backend that prevented some BigWig files with large numbers of reference sequences from displaying. Thanks to Gregg Helt for providing sample data to help isolate this.
Fixed a bug in the BigWig data backend that prevented BigWig files rendering in Safari. Thanks to Gregor Rot for his help in isolating this.
Worked around a bug in Safari 6 (and probably earlier) in which HTTP byte-range requests are erroneously cached. Thanks to Gregor Rot for pointing out the Safari problems.
Fixed some minor styling bugs in the facet menus of the faceted track selector.
Fixed blurry edges of location trapezoid in Firefox (Eric Derohanian).