The remove track script operates on trackList.json files
NAME - remove a formatted track from a JBrowse data directory
USAGE --trackLabel MyTrackLabel --dir path/to/data/dir
Removes a track from a JBrowse data directory. By default, only removes
the track configuration entry so that JBrowse will not display the track.
If the "--delete" option is passed, also removes the track data. By
default, this tool prints the track configuration JSON that it removed.
This can be turned of by passing the "--quiet" option.
--dir path/to/data/dir
Path to the JBrowse data directory to operate on.
--trackLabel MyLabel
Track label(s) to delete. This option may be specified multiple times
to delete multiple tracks.
--delete, -D
In addition to removing the track configuration so that JBrowse will
not display the track, delete the track data as well. Be careful!
-h, --help, -?
Display an extended help message.
-q, --quiet
Do not print any progress messages.