Compressing JBrowse data
Scripts such as
offer a --compress
option to compress (gzip) feature and sequence data to conserve server disk space and reduce server CPU load even further. Using this option requires some additional web server configuration.
In order to use this functionality
AllowOverride FileInfo
(orAllowOverride All
) must be set for the JBrowse data directories in order to use the.htaccess
files generated by the formatting scripts.mod_headers
must be installed and enabled, and if the web server is usingmod_gzip
must also be installed and enabled.
The reason for these things is that the items jsonz and txtz should not be "double gzipped" and be given proper response headers
For Apache: A configuration snippet like the following should be included in the configuration:
<IfModule mod_gzip.c>
mod_gzip_item_exclude "(\.jsonz|\.txtz)"
<IfModule setenvif.c>
SetEnvIf Request_URI "(\.jsonz|\.txtz)" no-gzip dont-vary
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
<FilesMatch "(\.jsonz|\.txtz)">
Header onsuccess set Content-Encoding gzip
For nginx: A configuration snippet like the following should be included in the configuration:
location ~* "\.(json|txt)z$" {
add_header Content-Encoding gzip;
gzip off;
types { application/json jsonz; }
Newer JBrowse versions
Note that many new data formats that JBrowse supports e.g.
- BigWig
- GFF3Tabix
- BEDTabix
- VCFTabix
- TwoBit
These formats are already compressed and they do not require pre-processing.