How do I install a plugin
Important note
After version 1.13 which introduced webpack to JBrowse, then you must re-run "" after adding or removing a plugin.
Also, you must use the instead of just
To install a JBrowse plugin, generally the easiest thing to do is to put the code in the plugins directory (e.g. clone the repo to plugins/GCContent or plugins/SashimiPlot), and then just say this in your jbrowse.conf (or tracks.conf
plugins += GCContent
plugins += SashimiPlot
Equivalently, in jbrowse_conf.json (or trackList.json), that would mean just having
"plugins": ["GCContent", "SashimiPlot"]
Essentially, you are just giving the configuration an array of folder names to look for in the plugins directory
Alternatively, you can also add the "name" and "location" of the plugin too.
"plugins": [{
"name": "GCContent",
"location": "plugins/gccontent"
Here "plugins.GCContent" means that the "name" of your plugin is "GCContent". This is slightly important, because the "name" is used for the purposes of the "namespace" that the plugin has i.e., when you specify a track with the "type": "GCContent/View/Track/GCContentXY" in trackList.json, then that means the "name" of the plugin should be GCContent, not lowercase gccontent.
Note that the above config would be equivalent to this in the jbrowse.conf format
[ plugins.GCContent ]
location = plugins/gccontent
Again, you don't need to use this format if the name of the directory is as expected e.g. plugins+=GCContent looks for a folder named GCContent
Note: "location" is a relative URL to the jbrowse root directory. Normally when a plugin is successfully installed, you will get a console.log message from the plugin saying that it has started up (that depends on the plugin but most jbrowse plugins just do that by convention)
Another note: you can add plugins declarations to trackList.json or tracks.conf instead of jbrowse_conf.json or jbrowse.conf too. In tracks.conf just put it at the top of the file or underneath a line that says [GENERAL]
Final note: it is best to only include plugins in one file, e.g. put all the includes in jbrowse.conf or all configs in tracks.conf, not mix them in different config files.
Can I create an adaptor for an existing web service?
If your web service doesn't exactly match the requirements for the JBrowse REST API tracks, then you can create your own "store class" as a plugin. This basically just requires one thing:
bin/ MyPlugin
Then, simply make a dojo class (using "dojo declare") in your plugin that implements a "getFeatures" function. The getFeatures function receives a query object with query.start, query.end, query.ref e.g. chr1 along with 3 callbacks: featureCallback, finishCallback, and errorCallback. If there is an error, than call the error callback obviously. Otherwise, for each feature that you want to display, call featureCallback with that (use JBrowse/Model/SimpleFeature to represent the feature). When you are out of features for the query region, call finishCallback.
Check out the genes store class from the myvariantviewer plugin for an example of a simple custom adaptor
What is a plugin useful for?
A JBrowse plugin can do a wide variety of things. Some common use-cases would be
- making a custom track type or visualization
- making an adapter for a new file type or "store class"
- adding new pieces to the user interface
Other things that are extensible include
- accessing custom search backends (the so called "Names API")
- accessing custom filter functions
- making custom "Save track data" export formats
One cool thing is that when you create a plugin, you can simply reference it textually in your config file e.g. trackList.json, and then JBrowse will load the "class" from your plugin and initialize it
What background should I have for creating a plugin
Make sure to review this link describing dojo declare, the way dojo declares new object types
Also review
Understanding "*dojo declare*" and *asynchronous module definition (AMD)* will help you understand the “preamble” on the top of every file that jbrowse uses, and which you can use in your plugin
In version 1.13 and forward, the plugin system also relies on re-building JBrowse using webpack. This actually allows you to use ES6 javascript and node js modules in your browser code. Therefore, you might want to review webpack, babel, and node js module systems
How do I create a plugin?
Let's walk through a simple plugin with the goal of adding something to the track menu (e.g. where the "About this track" and "Save track data" options are)
To do this, we can use object- oriented principles to “inherit” from some existing track type like CanvasFeatures and then extend its functionality by overriding the functions in a new track type
We can inherit a new track type by using the “define” function to include the dependencies needed in a file, and they are listed in an array at the top of your file.
First initialize a new plugin using
bin/ MyPlugin
Then edit a new file, say plugins/MyPlugin/js/MyTrack.js
define( ["dojo/_base/declare", "JBrowse/View/Track/CanvasFeatures"],
function(declare,CanvasFeatures) {
return declare(CanvasFeatures, {
_trackMenuOptions: function() {
var opts=this.inherited(arguments); //call the parent classes function
opts.push( // add an extra menu item to the array returned from parent class function
label: "Custom item",
type: 'dijit/CheckedMenuItem',
onClick: function(event) {
iconClass: "dijitIconPackage"
return opts;
Code listing 1. an example custom track type, plugin/MyPlugin/js/MyTrack.js, that adds an extra track menu item
After this, we will have the plugin directory structure like this
The bin/ helps create the skeleton main.js
Then we can use our new plugin to a config file like jbrowse_conf.json as "plugins": ["MyPlugin"]
Then edit the trackList.json for an existing track and change `"type": "CanvasFeatures"` to `"type": "MyPlugin/MyTrack"`.
That will tell jbrowse to load the MyTrack class from your plugin instead of the normal CanvasFeatures class.