Note: this document is automatically generated from mobx-state-tree objects in our source code. See Core concepts and intro to pluggable elements for more info
Also note: this document represents the state model API for the current released version of jbrowse. If you are not using the current version, please cross reference the markdown files in our repo of the checked out git tag
the arc display is a non-block-based track, so draws to a single canvas and can connect multiple regions extends
LinearReadArcsDisplay - Properties
property: type
// type signature
// code
type: types.literal('LinearReadArcsDisplay')
property: configuration
// type signature
// code
configuration: ConfigurationReference(configSchema)
property: lineWidth
// type signature
// code
lineWidth: types.maybe(types.number)
property: jitter
// type signature
// code
jitter: types.maybe(types.number)
property: colorBySetting
// type signature
IType<ColorBy, ColorBy, ColorBy>
// code
colorBySetting: types.frozen<ColorBy | undefined>()
property: filterBySetting
// type signature
IType<FilterBy, FilterBy, FilterBy>
// code
filterBySetting: types.frozen<FilterBy | undefined>()
property: drawInter
// type signature
// code
drawInter: true
property: drawLongRange
// type signature
// code
drawLongRange: true
LinearReadArcsDisplay - Getters
getter: colorBy
// type
getter: filterBy
// type
getter: drawn
// type
getter: lineWidthSetting
// type
getter: jitterVal
// type
LinearReadArcsDisplay - Methods
method: renderProps
only used to tell system it's ready for export
// type signature
renderProps: () => any
method: trackMenuItems
// type signature
trackMenuItems: () => (MenuDivider | MenuSubHeader | NormalMenuItem | CheckboxMenuItem | RadioMenuItem | SubMenuItem | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; })[]
method: renderSvg
// type signature
renderSvg: (opts: { rasterizeLayers?: boolean; }) => Promise<React.ReactNode>
LinearReadArcsDisplay - Actions
action: setLastDrawnOffsetPx
// type signature
setLastDrawnOffsetPx: (n: number) => void
action: setLastDrawnBpPerPx
// type signature
setLastDrawnBpPerPx: (n: number) => void
action: setLoading
// type signature
setLoading: (f: boolean) => void
action: reload
// type signature
reload: () => void
action: setRef
internal, a reference to a HTMLCanvas because we use a autorun to draw the canvas
// type signature
setRef: (ref: HTMLCanvasElement) => void
action: setColorScheme
// type signature
setColorScheme: (colorBy: { type: string; }) => void
action: setChainData
// type signature
setChainData: (args: ChainData) => void
action: setDrawInter
// type signature
setDrawInter: (f: boolean) => void
action: setDrawLongRange
// type signature
setDrawLongRange: (f: boolean) => void
action: setFilterBy
// type signature
setFilterBy: (filter: FilterBy) => void
action: setLineWidth
thin, bold, extrabold, etc
// type signature
setLineWidth: (n: number) => void
action: setJitter
jitter val, helpful to jitter the x direction so you see better evidence when e.g. 100 long reads map to same x position
// type signature
setJitter: (n: number) => void