Note: this document is automatically generated from mobx-state-tree objects in our source code. See Core concepts and intro to pluggable elements for more info
Also note: this document represents the state model API for the current released version of jbrowse. If you are not using the current version, please cross reference the markdown files in our repo of the checked out git tag
DotplotView - Properties
property: id
// type signature
IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>
// code
id: ElementId
property: type
// type signature
// code
type: types.literal('DotplotView')
property: height
// type signature
// code
height: 600
property: borderSize
// type signature
// code
borderSize: 20
property: tickSize
// type signature
// code
tickSize: 5
property: vtextRotation
// type signature
// code
vtextRotation: 0
property: htextRotation
// type signature
// code
htextRotation: -90
property: fontSize
// type signature
// code
fontSize: 15
property: trackSelectorType
// type signature
// code
trackSelectorType: 'hierarchical'
property: assemblyNames
// type signature
// code
assemblyNames: types.array(types.string)
property: drawCigar
// type signature
// code
drawCigar: true
property: hview
// type signature
IOptionalIType<IModelType<{ id: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>; displayedRegions: IOptionalIType<IType<Region[], Region[], Region[]>, [...]>; bpPerPx: IType<...>; offsetPx: IType<...>; interRegionPaddingWidth: IOptionalIType<...>; minimumBlockWidth: IOptionalIType<...>; }, { ...; } & ... 8 more ......
// code
hview: types.optional(DotplotHView, {})
property: vview
// type signature
IOptionalIType<IModelType<{ id: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>; displayedRegions: IOptionalIType<IType<Region[], Region[], Region[]>, [...]>; bpPerPx: IType<...>; offsetPx: IType<...>; interRegionPaddingWidth: IOptionalIType<...>; minimumBlockWidth: IOptionalIType<...>; }, { ...; } & ... 8 more ......
// code
vview: types.optional(DotplotVView, {})
property: tracks
// type signature
IArrayType<IModelType<{ id: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>; type: ISimpleType<string>; configuration: AnyConfigurationSchemaType; minimized: IType<...>; pinned: IType<...>; displays: IArrayType<...>; }, { ...; } & ... 1 more ... & { ...; }, _NotCustomized, _NotCustomized>>
// code
tracks: types.array(
pm.pluggableMstType('track', 'stateModel') as BaseTrackStateModel,
property: viewTrackConfigs
this represents tracks specific to this view specifically used for read vs ref dotplots where this track would not really apply elsewhere
// type signature
// code
viewTrackConfigs: types.array(pm.pluggableConfigSchemaType('track'))
DotplotView - Getters
getter: width
// type
getter: assemblyErrors
// type
getter: assembliesInitialized
// type
getter: initialized
// type
getter: hticks
// type
getter: vticks
// type
getter: loading
// type
getter: viewWidth
// type
getter: viewHeight
// type
getter: views
// type
({ id: string; displayedRegions: Region[] & IStateTreeNode<IOptionalIType<IType<Region[], Region[], Region[]>, [undefined]>>; bpPerPx: number; offsetPx: number; interRegionPaddingWidth: number; minimumBlockWidth: number; } & ... 11 more ... & IStateTreeNode<...>)[]
getter: error
// type
DotplotView - Methods
method: renderProps
// type signature
renderProps: () => any
method: menuItems
// type signature
menuItems: () => ({ label: string; icon: OverridableComponent<SvgIconTypeMap<{}, "svg">> & { muiName: string; }; onClick: () => void; } | { label: string; onClick: () => Widget; icon: (props: SvgIconProps) => Element; })[]
DotplotView - Actions
action: importFormRemoveRow
// type signature
importFormRemoveRow: (idx: number) => void
action: clearImportFormSyntenyTracks
// type signature
clearImportFormSyntenyTracks: () => void
action: setImportFormSyntenyTrack
// type signature
setImportFormSyntenyTrack: (arg: number, val: ImportFormSyntenyTrack) => void
action: setShowPanButtons
// type signature
setShowPanButtons: (flag: boolean) => void
action: setWheelMode
// type signature
setWheelMode: (str: string) => void
action: setCursorMode
// type signature
setCursorMode: (str: string) => void
action: setDrawCigar
// type signature
setDrawCigar: (flag: boolean) => void
action: clearView
returns to the import form
// type signature
clearView: () => void
action: setBorderX
// type signature
setBorderX: (n: number) => void
action: setBorderY
// type signature
setBorderY: (n: number) => void
action: setWidth
// type signature
setWidth: (newWidth: number) => number
action: setHeight
// type signature
setHeight: (newHeight: number) => number
action: setError
// type signature
setError: (e: unknown) => void
action: zoomOut
// type signature
zoomOut: () => void
action: zoomIn
// type signature
zoomIn: () => void
action: activateTrackSelector
// type signature
activateTrackSelector: () => Widget
action: showTrack
// type signature
showTrack: (trackId: string, initialSnapshot?: {}) => void
action: hideTrack
// type signature
hideTrack: (trackId: string) => number
action: toggleTrack
// type signature
toggleTrack: (trackId: string) => boolean
action: setAssemblyNames
// type signature
setAssemblyNames: (target: string, query: string) => void
action: setViews
// type signature
setViews: (arr: ModelCreationType<ExtractCFromProps<{ id: IOptionalIType<ISimpleType<string>, [undefined]>; displayedRegions: IOptionalIType<IType<Region[], Region[], Region[]>, [...]>; bpPerPx: IType<...>; offsetPx: IType<...>; interRegionPaddingWidth: IOptionalIType<...>; minimumBlockWidth: IOptionalIType<...>; }>>[]) => void
action: getCoords
// type signature
getCoords: (mousedown: Coord, mouseup: Coord) => { coord: number; index: number; refName: string; oob: boolean; assemblyName: string; offset: number; start: number; end: number; reversed?: boolean; }[]
action: zoomInToMouseCoords
zooms into clicked and dragged region
// type signature
zoomInToMouseCoords: (mousedown: Coord, mouseup: Coord) => void
action: showAllRegions
// type signature
showAllRegions: () => void
action: onDotplotView
creates a linear synteny view from the clicked and dragged region
// type signature
onDotplotView: (mousedown: Coord, mouseup: Coord) => void
action: exportSvg
creates an svg export and save using FileSaver
// type signature
exportSvg: (opts?: ExportSvgOptions) => Promise<void>
action: squareView
// type signature
squareView: () => void
action: squareViewProportional
// type signature
squareViewProportional: () => void