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Note: this document is automatically generated from mobx-state-tree objects in our source code. See Core concepts and intro to pluggable elements for more info

Also note: this document represents the state model API for the current released version of jbrowse. If you are not using the current version, please cross reference the markdown files in our repo of the checked out git tag

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BaseLinearDisplay is used as the basis for many linear genome view tracks. It is block based, and can use 'static blocks' or 'dynamic blocks'


BaseLinearDisplay - Properties

property: blockState

updated via autorun

// type signature
IMapType<IModelType<{ key: ISimpleType<string>; region: IType<Region, Region, Region>; reloadFlag: IType<number, number, number>; isLeftEndOfDisplayedRegion: IType<...>; isRightEndOfDisplayedRegion: IType<...>; }, { ...; } & { ...; }, _NotCustomized, _NotCustomized>>
// code

property: configuration

// type signature
ConfigurationSchemaType<{ maxFeatureScreenDensity: { type: string; description: string; defaultValue: number; }; fetchSizeLimit: { type: string; defaultValue: number; description: string; }; height: { type: string; defaultValue: number; description: string; }; mouseover: { ...; }; jexlFilters: { ...; }; }, Configura...
// code
configuration: ConfigurationReference(configSchema)

BaseLinearDisplay - Getters

getter: DisplayMessageComponent

if a display-level message should be displayed instead of the blocks, make this return a react component

// type

getter: blockType

// type
'staticBlocks' | 'dynamicBlocks'

getter: blockDefinitions

// type

getter: renderDelay

how many milliseconds to wait for the display to "settle" before re-rendering a block

// type

getter: TooltipComponent

// type

getter: selectedFeatureId

returns a string feature ID if the globally-selected object is probably a feature

// type

getter: features

a CompositeMap of featureId -> feature obj that just looks in all the block data for that feature

// type
CompositeMap<unknown, unknown>

getter: featureUnderMouse

// type

getter: getFeatureOverlapping

// type
(blockKey: string, x: number, y: number) => string

getter: getFeatureByID

// type
(blockKey: string, id: string) => LayoutRecord

getter: searchFeatureByID

// type
(id: string) => LayoutRecord

BaseLinearDisplay - Methods

method: trackMenuItems

// type signature
trackMenuItems: () => MenuItem[]

method: contextMenuItems

// type signature
contextMenuItems: () => MenuItem[]

method: renderProps

// type signature
renderProps: () => any

method: renderSvg

// type signature
renderSvg: (opts: ExportSvgDisplayOptions) => Promise<Element>

BaseLinearDisplay - Actions

action: addBlock

// type signature
addBlock: (key: string, block: BaseBlock) => void

action: deleteBlock

// type signature
deleteBlock: (key: string) => void

action: selectFeature

// type signature
selectFeature: (feature: Feature) => void

action: navToFeature

// type signature
navToFeature: (feature: Feature) => void

action: clearFeatureSelection

// type signature
clearFeatureSelection: () => void

action: setFeatureIdUnderMouse

// type signature
setFeatureIdUnderMouse: (feature?: string) => void

action: setContextMenuFeature

// type signature
setContextMenuFeature: (feature?: Feature) => void

action: reload

// type signature
reload: () => Promise<void>