Note: this document is automatically generated from mobx-state-tree objects in our source code. See Core concepts and intro to pluggable elements for more info
Also note: this document represents the state model API for the current released version of jbrowse. If you are not using the current version, please cross reference the markdown files in our repo of the checked out git tag
Assembly - Properties
property: configuration
// type signature
// code
configuration: types.safeReference(assemblyConfigType)
Assembly - Getters
getter: initialized
this is a getter with a side effect of loading the data. not the best practice, but it helps to lazy load the assembly
// type
getter: name
// type
getter: regions
// type
getter: aliases
// type
getter: displayName
// type
getter: allAliases
// type
getter: allRefNames
note: lowerCaseRefNameAliases not included here: this allows the list of refnames to be just the "normal casing", but things like getCanonicalRefName can resolve a lower-case name if needed
// type
getter: lowerCaseRefNames
// type
getter: allRefNamesWithLowerCase
// type
getter: rpcManager
// type
getter: refNameColors
// type
getter: refNames
// type
Assembly - Methods
method: getConf
// type signature
getConf: (arg: string) => any
method: hasName
// type signature
hasName: (name: string) => any
method: getCanonicalRefName
// type signature
getCanonicalRefName: (refName: string) => string
method: getRefNameColor
// type signature
getRefNameColor: (refName: string) => string
method: isValidRefName
// type signature
isValidRefName: (refName: string) => boolean
method: getAdapterMapEntry
// type signature
getAdapterMapEntry: (adapterConf: AdapterConf, options: BaseOptions) => Promise<RefNameMap>
method: getRefNameMapForAdapter
get Map of canonical-name -> adapter-specific-name
// type signature
getRefNameMapForAdapter: (adapterConf: AdapterConf, opts: BaseOptions) => Promise<any>
method: getReverseRefNameMapForAdapter
get Map of adapter-specific-name -> canonical-name
// type signature
getReverseRefNameMapForAdapter: (adapterConf: AdapterConf, opts: BaseOptions) => Promise<any>
Assembly - Actions
action: setLoaded
// type signature
setLoaded: ({ regions, refNameAliases, lowerCaseRefNameAliases, cytobands, }: { regions: Region[]; refNameAliases: RefNameAliases; lowerCaseRefNameAliases: RefNameAliases; cytobands: Feature[]; }) => void
action: setError
// type signature
setError: (e: unknown) => void
action: setRegions
// type signature
setRegions: (regions: Region[]) => void
action: setRefNameAliases
// type signature
setRefNameAliases: (aliases: RefNameAliases, lowerCaseAliases: RefNameAliases) => void
action: setCytobands
// type signature
setCytobands: (cytobands: Feature[]) => void
action: setLoadingP
// type signature
setLoadingP: (p?: Promise<void>) => void
action: load
// type signature
load: () => Promise<void>
action: loadPre
// type signature
loadPre: () => Promise<void>