How can I start the JBrowse 2 app as a developer
We recommend that you have the following:
Then you can follow steps from our README.
It basically boils down to:
git clone https://github.com/GMOD/jbrowse-components
cd jbrowse-components
cd products/jbrowse-web
yarn start
This will boot up a development instance of jbrowse-web
on port 3000
You can use PORT=8080 yarn start
to manually specify a different port.
You can also instead go to the products/jbrowse-desktop
directory to do this
on desktop.
For the embedded components e.g. products/jbrowse-react-linear-genome-view
use yarn storybook
instead of yarn start
For a more extensive tutorial, see Developing with JBrowse web and desktop.
What is special about JBrowse 2
One thing that makes JBrowse 2 special is that we can create new view types via our plugin system, e.g. circular, dotplot, etc.. Anything you want can be added as a view, and can be shown alongside our other views.
This makes JBrowse 2 more than just a genome browser: it is really a platform that can be built upon.
What are new features in JBrowse 2
See the https://jbrowse.org/jb2/features page for an overview of features
What web server do I need to run JBrowse 2
JBrowse 2 by itself is just a set of JS, CSS, and HTML files that can be statically hosted on a webserver without any backend services running.
Therefore, running JBrowse 2 generally involves just copying the JBrowse 2
folder to your web server html folder e.g. copy /var/www/html/
to Amazon S3.
If you use a different platform such as Django, you may want to put it in the static resources folder.
Note that the server that you use should support byte-range requests (e.g. the Range HTTP header so that JBrowse can get small slices of large binary data files.
BAM files do not work on my server
If you are using Apache then you will probably want to disable mime_magic. If mime_magic is enabled, you may see that your server responds with the HTTP header Content-Encoding: gzip which JBrowse does NOT want, because this instructs the browser to unzip the data but JBrowse should be in charge of this.
How can I setup JBrowse 2 on my web server
We recommend following the steps in the quickstart web via CLI guide.
The general procedure is using the jbrowse create /var/www/html/jb2
and this
will download the latest version of jbrowse to your web folder e.g. in
You can also use jbrowse upgrade /var/www/html/jb2
to get the latest version.
How do I install or update the @jbrowse/cli tool
To install the @jbrowse/cli tool, you can use npm install -g @jbrowse/cli
You can use this same command to upgrade the tool too.
This command will give you a command named jbrowse
which should automatically
be in your path if you have a standard installation of nodejs. We recommend
using nodesource or nvm to get your nodejs for this.
Also note that the @jbrowse/cli tool is just made for preparing your config.json, it is not used to run any server-side code.
How can I make a header on a jbrowse-web instance
You can edit the index.html that comes with jbrowse-web to have custom contents. The jbrowse-web app just looks at the div that it renders into, but any contents outside of that you can edit for custom purposes. If you need more advanced embedding, you can consider @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view or similar, but the jbrowse-web app is not available as an npm installable package yet.
How do I update my instance of jbrowse-web
You can use the command, after installing:
jbrowse upgrade /path/to/your/jbrowse2
This will download the latest release from github and overwrite it onto your jbrowse-web instance.
If you've manually downloaded jbrowse-web, the newest releases can be found here.
How can I setup JBrowse 2 without the CLI tools
The jbrowse CLI tools are basically a convenience, and are not strictly required.
Simple tasks can be done without it.
For example, for jbrowse create, you can visit the releases page and download the latest jbrowse-web release tag, and unzip it into your web directory.
Checkout our quickstart web guide for a speedy start to using a manually downloaded JBrowse instance.
For other things, like add-assembly and add-track, you can manually edit the
; reviewing the config docs and sample configs
will be valuable.
To configure JBrowse using the GUI, checkout our tutorial.
Understanding the config basics will come in handy also because you can manually edit in advanced configs after your tracks are loaded; however be careful:s corrupt configs can produce hard to understand errors, because our config system is strongly typed.
Reach out to the team on gitter or in the discussions if you have any complex configuration issues.
How do I load a track into JBrowse 2
With the JBrowse CLI tools, you can easily add tracks with the add-track
command, e.g.:
jbrowse add-track myfile.bw -a hg19
This will setup a bigwig track on the hg19 assembly in your config.json.
Make sure to run the command inside your current jbrowse2 folder e.g. /var/www/html/jbrowse2 or wherever you are currently setting up a config.json (you can have multiple configs).
Note that you can also use remote URLs
jbrowse add-track http://yourremote/myfile.bam
The add-track command will do as much as possible to infer from the file extension how to configure this track, and automatically infer the index to be myfile.bam.bai.
As mentioned above you can also manually edit your config file, or use the GUI.
How do I customize the color of the features displayed on my track
We use Jexl for defining configuration callbacks, including feature coloration.
An example of a Jexl configuration callback might look like this:
"color": "jexl:get(feature,'strand')==-1?'red':'blue'"
See our configuration callbacks guide for more information.
My jexl is too complicated, how can I simplify it?
You can create a small plugin that adds a new function to the jexl language.
See here for an example of making a color callback.
Adding color callbacks in the GUI
In brief, to add a configuration callback to a track using the GUI, perform the following steps:
- On the track you're meaning to color, click on the three vertical dots '...' on the right side of the track label
- Click "Settings" (if this option is greyed out, copy the track with "Copy Track", then open up the track under "Session Tracks" and repeat steps 1-2)
- Scroll down to the "display 1 renderer" heading (this is typically the display you want to edit, if not scroll to display 2)
- Click on the circle to the right of the color you'd like to change
- In this text box, enter in the Jexl callback for the feature colouration, e.g. "get(feature,'strand') == -1 ? 'red' : 'blue'"
Adding color callbacks via the command line
Adding color callbacks via the command line can be a little tricky because the coloration property exists within the renderer.
In brief, to add a configuration callback to a track using the CLI, your
is going to look something like this:
jbrowse add-track somevariants.vcf --load copy --config '{"displays": [{"displayId": "my_BasicDisplay", "type": "LinearBasicDisplay", "renderer": {"color1": "jexl:get(feature, '\''strand'\'') == -1 ? '\''red'\'' : '\''blue'\''" }}]}'
While adding the track to the config.json
, you're adding additional
configurations using the --config option. This additional configuration is a
"renderer" on the display that your track will be using. In this case, this .vcf
will be using the LinearBasicDisplay
How do I get (more) categories to filter on in the faceted track selector?
The faceted track selector displays all the different adapters, categories, and
all the metadata. Categories are also used to group tracks in the track
selector. New categories can be added with the --category
option from
jbrowse add-track
Alternatively, you can add a metadata key to a track, which will be used in the faceted track selector:
"name": "mytrack",
"metadata": {
"origin": "public",
"data_added": "2024-02-20"
Can I compress the config.json, it's large and users have to download it?
You can set up your server to serve zipped files. Most cloud-based services, like AWS Amplify and AWS CloudFront, already do this automatically. However, for Apache and Nginx, you need to configure them manually.
For Nginx, you can enable gzip compression by editing the config.template. See for instance for a set of reasonable nginx defaults: https://gist.github.com/sydcanem/3e00c09b3361927b2fd1#file-nginx-gzip-conf
server {
# Enable gzip compression.
# Default: off
gzip on;
# make sure to **at least** allow json to be compressed, multiple
To enable compression in Apache, you can use the mod_deflate module.
sudo a2enmod deflate
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Add the following configuration to your Apache configuration file (e.g., /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf):
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
# Compress output
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript application/json
By enabling gzip compression, your config.json and other specified files will be served in a compressed format, reducing the file size and improving download times for your users.
Why do all the tracks need an assembly specified
We require that all tracks have a specific genome assembly specified in their config. This is because JBrowse 2 is a multi-genome-assembly browser (and can compare genomes given the data). This may be different to using, say, JBrowse 1 where it knows which genome assembly you are working with at any given time.
How are the menus structured in the app
In JBrowse 1, the app level menu operated on the single linear genome view, but with JBrowse 2, the top level menu only performs global operations and the linear genome view has its own hamburger menu. Note that each track also has its own track level menu.
Why do some of my reads not display soft clipping
Some reads, such as secondary reads, do not have a SEQ field on their records, so they will not display softclipping.
The soft clipping indicators on these reads will appear black.
Do you have any tips for learning React and mobx-state-tree
Here is a short guide to React and mobx-state-tree that could help get you oriented:
What technologies does JBrowse 2 use
We build on a lot of great open source technology, some main ones include:
- React
- mobx-state-tree
- web-workers
- Typescript
- Electron (for desktop specifically)
Should I configure gzip on my web server
Yes! JBrowse 2 may load ~5MB of JS resources (2.5MB for main thread bundle, 2.5MB for worker bundle). If you have gzip enabled, the amount of data the user has to download though is only 1.4MB. We have worked on making bundle size small with lazy loading and other methods but adding gzip will help your users.
It will depend on your particular server setup e.g. apache, nginx, cloudfront, etc. how this may be done, but it is recommended to look into this.
How does JBrowse know when to display the "Zoom in to see more features" message
The rules that JBrowse uses to determine when to display the "Zoom in to see more features" message are called stats estimation rules
The general outline is:
- It doesn't display a zoom in message if zoomed in closer than 20kb
- It performs byte size estimation for BAM and CRAM type files (you will see a byte size estimation displayed alongside the "Zoom in to see features" message
- Other data types that don't use byte size estimation use feature density based calculation
- Hi-C, BigWig, and sequence adapters are hardcoded to return
{ featureDensity:0 }
to always render
If you need to customize your particular track, you can set config variables on the "display" section of your config
- number of features times bpPerPxfetchSizeLimit
- this config variable exists on the adapters (can increase size limit)
Example config with a small feature screen density:
"type": "VariantTrack",
"trackId": "variant_density",
"name": "test variants (small featuredensity limit)",
"assemblyNames": ["volvox"],
"adapter": {
"type": "VcfTabixAdapter",
"vcfGzLocation": {
"uri": "volvox.filtered.vcf.gz"
"index": {
"location": {
"uri": "volvox.filtered.vcf.gz.tbi"
"displays": [
"type": "LinearVariantDisplay",
"maxFeatureScreenDensity": 0.0006,
"displayId": "volvox_filtered_vcf_color-LinearVariantDisplay"
Example config for a CRAM file with a small fetchSizeLimit configured:
"type": "AlignmentsTrack",
"trackId": "volvox_cram",
"name": "test track (small fetch size limit)",
"assemblyNames": ["volvox"],
"adapter": {
"type": "CramAdapter",
"cramLocation": {
"uri": "volvox-sorted-altname.cram"
"craiLocation": {
"uri": "volvox-sorted-altname.cram.crai"
"sequenceAdapter": {
"type": "TwoBitAdapter",
"twoBitLocation": {
"uri": "volvox.2bit"
"fetchSizeLimit": 1000
Text searching
Why I am running out of disk space while trix is running
The jbrowse text-index
program will output data to a TMP directory while
indexing. If your filesystem has low diskspace for /tmp you can set an
alternative temporary directory using the environment variable
TMPDIR=~/alt_tmp_dir/ jbrowse text-index
How does the jbrowse text-index trix format work
The jbrowse text-index
command creates text searching indexes using trix. The
trix indexes are based on the format described by UCSC here
https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/trix.html, but we re-implemented the
code the create these index formats in the JBrowse CLI so you do not have to
install the UCSC tools.
The main idea is that you give trix:
GENEID001 Wnt signalling
GENEID002 ey Pax6
Then this will generate a new file, the .ix file, sorted in alphabetical order:
ey GENE002
signalling GENE001
Pax6 GENE002
Wnt GENE001
Then a second file, the .ixx file, tells us at what byte offset certain lines in the file are e.g.:
Note that JBrowse creates a specialized trix index also. Instead of creating a ix file with just the gene names, it also provides their name and location in an encoded format.
URL params
Why can't I copy and paste my URL bar to share it with another user
In JBrowse Web, the current session can become too long to store in the URL bar, so instead, we store it in localStorage and only keep the key to the localStorage entry in the URL var. This is because otherwise URLs can get prohibitively long, and break server side navigations, intermediate caches, etc. Therefore, we make "sharing a session" a manual step that generates a shortened URL by default.
Note 1: users of @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view have to re-implement any URL query param logic themselves, as this component makes no attempt to access URL query params.
Note 2: You can copy and paste your URL bar and put it in another tab on your own computer, and JBrowse will restore the session using BroadcastChannel (supported on Firefox and Chrome).
How does the session sharing work with shortened URLs work in JBrowse Web
We have a central database hosted as a AWS dynamoDB that stores encrypted session snapshots that users create when they use the "Share" button. The "Share" button creates a random key on the client side (which becomes the &password= component of the share URL), encrypts the session client side, and sends the encrypted session without the key to the AWS dynamoDB.
This process, generates a URL with the format:
The DECODEKEY is never transmitted to the server, but you can copy and paste the share URL, the person you shared automatically downloads the DynamoDB entry, and decodes it with the DECODEKEY from the URL that you provide
With this system, the contents of the dynamoDB are safe and unable to be read, even by JBrowse administrators.
Doing things like:
- Changing trackIds
- Deleting tracks
Can make user's saved sessions fail to load. If part of a session is inconsistent, currently, the entire session will fail to load. Therefore, make decisions to delete or change IDs carefully.
What should I do if the Share system isn't working?
If for any reason the session sharing system isn't working, e.g. you are behind a firewall or you are not able to connect to the central share server, you can click the "Gear" icon in the "Share" button pop-up, and it will give you the option to use "Long URL" instead of "Short URL" which let's you create share links without the central server.
Also, if you are implementing JBrowse Web on your own server and would like to create your own URL shortener, you can use the shareURL parameter in the config.json file to point at your own server instead of ours.