Default session
In JBrowse, a session refers to the particular state of the application e.g. the views that are open, the tracks that are open, etc.
You can configure a "default session" in the config.json that can be used as the default application state that is loaded for all your users.
The session is a representation of the 'internal state' of the app, so it can be hard to programmatically write, but you can manually use the app, get to a state you want it to be in, and then select "File->Export session". This will give you a session.json file, and then you can copy the "session" from this file into the "defaultSession" in your config.json
Example session (reduced for example purposes)
"session": {
"id": "eXr4hv4VX",
"name": "Session",
"views": [
"id": "eXr4hv4VX-view",
"type": "LinearGenomeView",
"offsetPx": 14500,
"bpPerPx": 1.7,
"displayedRegions": [
"refName": "ctgA",
"start": 0,
"end": 50001,
"reversed": false,
"assemblyName": "volvox"
Then copy the above into your config.json in the "defaultSession", for example:
"assemblies": [
"name": "volvox",
"sequence": {
"type": "ReferenceSequenceTrack",
"trackId": "volvox_refseq",
"adapter": {
"type": "TwoBitAdapter",
"twoBitLocation": {
"uri": "volvox.2bit"
"defaultSession": {
"id": "eXr4hv4VX",
"name": "Session",
"views": [
"id": "eXr4hv4VX-view",
"type": "LinearGenomeView",
"offsetPx": 14500,
"bpPerPx": 1.7,
"displayedRegions": [
"refName": "ctgA",
"start": 0,
"end": 50001,
"reversed": false,
"assemblyName": "volvox"
"tracks": [
"type": "VariantTrack",
"trackId": "variants",
"name": "variants",
"assemblyNames": ["volvox"],
"adapter": {
"type": "VcfTabixAdapter",
"vcfGzLocation": {
"uri": "volvox.dup.vcf.gz"
"index": {
"location": {
"uri": "volvox.dup.vcf.gz.tbi"
Note: if you want to programmatically configure sessions using the URL, see