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Note: this document is automatically generated from configuration objects in our source code. See Config guide for more info

Source file


JBrowseReactCircularGenomeViewConfig - Slots

slot: configuration.rpc

rpc: RpcManager.configSchema

slot: configuration.highResolutionScaling

highResolutionScaling: {
type: 'number',
defaultValue: 2,

slot: configuration.theme

theme: { type: 'frozen', defaultValue: {} }

slot: assembly

assembly: assemblyConfigSchemasType

slot: tracks

tracks: types.array(pluginManager.pluggableConfigSchemaType('track'))

slot: internetAccounts

internetAccounts: types.array(
pluginManager.pluggableConfigSchemaType('internet account'),

slot: connections

connections: types.array(pluginManager.pluggableConfigSchemaType('connection'))

slot: aggregateTextSearchAdapters

aggregateTextSearchAdapters: types.array(
pluginManager.pluggableConfigSchemaType('text search adapter'),

slot: plugins

defines plugins of the format

type PluginDefinition=
{ umdUrl: string, name:string } |
{ url: string, name: string } |
{ esmUrl: string } |
{ cjsUrl: string } |
{ umdLoc: { uri: string } } |
{ esmLoc: { uri: string } } |
plugins: types.frozen()