Note: this document is automatically generated from configuration objects in our source code. See Config guide for more info
Also note: this document represents the config API for the current released version of jbrowse. If you are not using the current version, please cross reference the markdown files in our repo of the checked out git tag
BaseTrack - Identifier
slot: explicitIdentifier
BaseTrack - Slots
slot: name
name: {
description: 'descriptive name of the track',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: 'Track',
slot: assemblyNames
assemblyNames: {
description: 'name of the assembly (or assemblies) track belongs to',
type: 'stringArray',
defaultValue: ['assemblyName'],
slot: description
description: {
description: 'a description of the track',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',
slot: category
category: {
description: 'the category and sub-categories of a track',
type: 'stringArray',
defaultValue: [],
slot: metadata
metadata: {
type: 'frozen',
description: 'anything to add about this track',
defaultValue: {},
slot: adapter
adapter: pluginManager.pluggableConfigSchemaType('adapter')
slot: textSearching.indexedAttributes
indexingAttributes: {
type: 'stringArray',
'list of which feature attributes to index for text searching',
defaultValue: ['Name', 'ID'],
slot: textSearching.indexingFeatureTypesToExclude
indexingFeatureTypesToExclude: {
type: 'stringArray',
description: 'list of feature types to exclude in text search index',
defaultValue: ['CDS', 'exon'],
slot: textSearching.textSearchAdapter
textSearchAdapter: pluginManager.pluggableConfigSchemaType(
'text search adapter',
slot: displays
displays: types.array(pluginManager.pluggableConfigSchemaType('display'))
slot: formatDetails.feature
feature: {
type: 'frozen',
description: 'adds extra fields to the feature details',
defaultValue: {},
contextVariable: ['feature'],
slot: formatDetails.subfeatures
subfeatures: {
type: 'frozen',
description: 'adds extra fields to the subfeatures of a feature',
defaultValue: {},
contextVariable: ['feature'],
slot: formatDetails.depth
depth: {
type: 'number',
defaultValue: 2,
'depth of subfeatures to iterate the formatter on formatDetails.subfeatures (e.g. you may not want to format the exon/cds subfeatures, so limited to 2',
slot: formatDetails.maxDepth
maxDepth: {
type: 'number',
defaultValue: 99999,
description: 'Maximum depth to render subfeatures',
slot: formatAbout.config
config: {
type: 'frozen',
description: 'formats configuration object in about dialog',
defaultValue: {},
contextVariable: ['config'],
slot: formatAbout.hideUris
hideUris: {
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: false,