Note: this document is automatically generated from configuration objects in our source code. See Config guide for more info
Source file
This corresponds to the assemblies section of the config
BaseAssembly - Identifier
slot: name
BaseAssembly - Slots
slot: aliases
aliases are "reference name aliases" e.g. aliases for hg38 might be "GRCh38"
aliases: {
type: 'stringArray',
defaultValue: [],
description: 'Other possible names for the assembly',
slot: sequence
sequence refers to a reference sequence track that has an adapter containing, importantly, a sequence adapter such as IndexedFastaAdapter
sequence: pluginManager.getTrackType('ReferenceSequenceTrack')!
slot: refNameColors
refNameColors: {
type: 'stringArray',
defaultValue: [],
'Define custom colors for each reference sequence. Will cycle through this list if there are not enough colors for every sequence.',
slot: refNameAliases.adapter
refNameAliases help resolve e.g. chr1 and 1 as the same entity the data for refNameAliases are fetched from an adapter, that is commonly a tsv like chromAliases.txt from UCSC or similar
adapter: pluginManager.pluggableConfigSchemaType('adapter')
slot: cytobands.adapter
cytoband data is fetched from an adapter, and can be displayed by a view type as ideograms
adapter: pluginManager.pluggableConfigSchemaType('adapter')
slot: displayName
displayName: {
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',
'A human readable display name for the assembly e.g. "Homo sapiens (hg38)" while the assembly name may just be "hg38"',