Hello everyone! This release offers a couple important bug fixes.
For users of @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view, we have fixes that improve
speed, CSS style consistency, and theming. We also have another speed
improvement for users with many scaffolds or contigs. Please see the release
notes below for more details!
To install JBrowse 2 for the web, you can download the link above, or you can
use the JBrowse CLI to automatically download the latest version. See the
JBrowse web quick start for more
Building on the plugin store on our website in the last release, we're now
excited to announce that plugins can be installed from within JBrowse Web!
Plugins from our plugin store can now be installed with the click of a button.
JBrowse Web now has the ability for tracks to use files on your local hard
drive. This is a great option if you want to visualize files you have locally
without uploading them to a server. These files will need to be re-opened each
time the app is opened or refreshed, but more robust handling of local files
will be available when we release JBrowse Desktop.
The MM and MP/ML tags can be used to color alignments tracks by either base
modifications or by methylation. The modifications mode is exciting because it
can show arbitrary DNA/RNA modifications, and the methylation mode uses specific
CpG context to show both modified and unmodified CpGs.
In this screenshot, the top alignments track is colored by methylation and the
bottom alignments track is colored by base modification.
To install JBrowse 2 for the web, you can download the link above, or you can
use the JBrowse CLI to automatically download the latest version. See the
JBrowse web quick start for more
One of the core aspects of JBrowse 2 is that it is an extensible platform for
biological visualization that can be extended with plugins. We are excited to
introduce the first version of our plugin store, where we list the current
external plugins that are available. Check it out
here. In the coming weeks, we will also
be bringing this plugin store directly into the application, allowing plugin
installation with the click of a button. Stay tuned!
We're excited to introduce a new feature to JBrowse Web: built-in SVG export of
track visualizations! This feature currently supports the linear genome view,
and will be extended to more views in future releases.
With the addition of this feature, it is now even easier to create
publication-ready screenshots of JBrowse views.
An important consideration for genomics software is scaling to very large
datasets. We have implemented a virtualization of our hierarchical track
selector, enabling it to support arbitrarily large track lists.
To install JBrowse 2 for the web, you can download the link above, or you can
use the JBrowse CLI to automatically download the latest version. See the
JBrowse web quick start for more
We're pleased to announce a new release of JBrowse Web!
Changed callbacks language from JavaScript to Jexlโ
To allow users to safely and seamlessly share advanced configurations in
sessions, we now use
Jexl to express
configuration callbacks. Note that this is a breaking change, function()-style
callbacks will no longer work.
Another new update is the first release of our interactive Storybook docs for
the embeddable React Linear Genome View. The docs contain live examples of how
the LGV component can be used, along with source-code examples. The site can be
found here.
We have added a dropdown to enhance navigation between stack of active widgets.
The update also adds a minimize button to allow quick access to full screen
JBrowse web.
To install JBrowse 2 for the web, you can download the link above, or you can
use the JBrowse CLI to automatically download the latest version. See the
JBrowse web quick start for more
The alignments track received a couple updates including "large insertion
indicators" for large indels, and also an upside-down count of clipping or
insertion events. There is also a triangular indicator plotted when the
insertion/clip count exceeds a threshold at that position defaulted to 30% of
Click and drag the overview bar to "Get sequence"โ
Users can now download regions of sequence by selecting a region in the linear
genome view and clicking "get sequence". See the demonstration video below:
You can also "get sequence" in the read vs reference view, which allows you to
"get sequence" for the inserted bases or softclipped bases from a read alignment
Enhanced navigation of paired end reads and BND/TRA breakendsโ
Feature detail panels for BND/TRA features, long split-alignments, and
paired-end reads have links to navigate or popup of the breakpoint split views
with their mates.
To install JBrowse 2 for the web, you can download the link above, or you can
use the JBrowse CLI to automatically download the latest version. See the
JBrowse web quick start for more
We are excited to announce a new JBrowse 2 product:
JBrowseR. JBrowseR builds on top of the
React component
that we recently released. Our React component inherits the general JBrowse 2
philosophy: it is fully customizable and pluggable, like the core product.
The React component makes it very straightforward to embed a Linear Genome View
into a React app. However, this API can come with a steep learning curve for
bioinformaticians who may not be very familiar with React. This is where
JBrowseR comes in!
JBrowseR provides an R interface to the JBrowse 2 LGV React component. Using
JBrowseR, you can:
Embed the JBrowse 2 genome browser in R Markdown documents and Shiny
Deploy a genome browser directly from the R console to view your data
Customize your genome browser to display your own data
With this functionality, you can deploy a first-class genome browser with your
data in just a few lines of R code!
For more information on getting started, check out the following resources:
To install JBrowse 2 for the web, you can download the link above, or you can
use the JBrowse CLI to automatically download the latest version. See the
JBrowse web quick start for more
To install JBrowse 2 for the web, you can download the link above, or you can
use the JBrowse CLI to automatically download the latest version. See the
JBrowse web quick start for more
To install JBrowse 2 for the web, you can download the link above, or you can
use the JBrowse CLI to automatically download the latest version. See the
JBrowse web quick start for more
I am pleased to announce the first stable release of JBrowse 2!
This release includes our new "display modes" concept which allows the same
track to be displayed in different view types. For example, the same synteny
track can be used in both a dotplot or a linear synteny view. Similarly, a SV
VCF with breakends can be used in the circular view or a linear genome view.
This has been a massive effort by the team to get us to this 1.0.0 release, and
we greatly thank all the beta users who have helped us with testing.
fixed bug with reference sequences that don't use the alias system
fixed bug with SV inspector having a disabled state stuck on the buttons
added documentation for the jbrowse admin-server command
added display modes, a giant effort to make the same track visible in multiple
added a splash screen when no default session is in the config file
changed error state of spreadsheet to a volatile
fixed loading state of the RefNameAutocomplete
fixed spreadsheet import of VCF with no FORMAT column
made a small bundle-size improvement from removing unused crypto-js resources
removed savedSessions from config schema
fixed deleting a track when a closed widget references it
fixed crash when live editing an assembly in the assembly manager
added a simple PAF import form in the DotplotView and LinearSyntenyView import
To install, you can download the link above, or you can use the jbrowse CLI tool
to automatically download the latest version. See the
jbrowse 2 quick-start guide for
more info