v2.12.0 Release
This release includes
- Added ability to show genomic or feature-relative coordinates in the "Show feature sequence" panel
- Any sidebar widget can be popped out into a dialog box, allowing for more room to see the feature details, config editor, and more
- Fixed sandbox error on startup of the linux AppImage on OSs with specific settings like Ubuntu 24
- Added aggregation to BigBedAdapter for bigGenePred type tracks to make grouped gene glyphs (see screenshot)
Before and after showing the aggregation of transcripts on a bigGenePred type track
Example of the coordinates display on the feature sequence with the dialog
To install JBrowse 2 for the web, you can download the link above, or you can use the JBrowse CLI to automatically download the latest version. See the JBrowse web quick start for more details.
yarn run v1.22.22 $ lerna-changelog --silent --silent --next-version 2.12.0
2.12.0 (2024-06-20)โ
๐ Enhancementโ
- Other
- #4459 Allow using keyboard shortcut for devtools in production desktop builds (@cmdcolin)
- #4455 Add slot.type to configuration editor elements (@cmdcolin)
- #4427 Add ctrl+wheel scroll to zoom both top and bottom of synteny view (@cmdcolin)
- #4425 Add ability to dismiss dotplot warnings (@cmdcolin)
- #4422 Make initial linear synteny view import form submit show all regions by default (@cmdcolin)
- #4456 Add aggregation to BigBedAdapter to group bigGenePred transcripts (@cmdcolin)
- #4448 Adds genomic coordinates back into the sequence panel accounting for strand direction (@carolinebridge)
- #4423 Speed up large
displayedRegions sets by converting MST array of
into atypes.frozen<IRegion[]>
(@cmdcolin) - #4399 Allow viewing coordinates in sequence feature display panel (@cmdcolin)
๐ Bug Fixโ
- Other
- #4458 Fix sandbox error on AppImage startup on certain linux systems (@cmdcolin)
- #4441 Fix sorting data grid on multi-wiggle 'Edit colors/arrangement' dialog (@cmdcolin)
- #4439 Fix blank lines in multi-wiggle add track workflow causing crash (@cmdcolin)
- #4438 Fix cursor:pointer style on an alignments feature detail clickable link (@cmdcolin)
- #4436 Fix "Open synteny view at this position" when file contains CIGAR X/= operators (@cmdcolin)
- #4426 Fix side scroll in linear synteny view causing the browser "back" action (@cmdcolin)
- #4417 Fix error message shown on chromosomes with missing data for plaintext GFF3 (@cmdcolin)
๐ Internalโ
- #4445 Update oclif/test and oclif/core (@cmdcolin)
- #4440 Use ref instead of deprecated findDOMNode for draggable dialog (@cmdcolin)
- #4429 Remove normalize-wheel library (@cmdcolin)
- #4400 Remove node-polyfill-webpack-plugin (@cmdcolin)
Committers: 2โ
- Caroline Bridge (@carolinebridge)
- Colin Diesh (@cmdcolin) Done in 1.71s.