v3.1.0 Release
This release adds several interesting features including
Sticky view headers and pinned tracks
We created a new UI where the "view header" stays visible even when scrolling the page.
We also added the ability to "pin" tracks in the linear genome view, which also stay visible when scrolling the page.
Cluster multi-quantitative tracks
Motivated by the clustering workflow in the Multi-variant viewer, a similar feature was added to the multi-quantitative track
To do this, we sample the data according to the current zoom level (otherwise, it would create very large matrices at per-base resolution) and then provide an R script the user can run to cluster the data
Before clustering
After clustering
Simplify some adapter configuration
The configuration system has a lot of complex substructure, but in this release we created the ability to supply a simplified config, and the results will be auto-determined
For example
"type": "AlignmentsTrack",
"trackId": "volvox_alignments",
"name": "volvox-sorted.bam",
"assemblyNames": ["volvox"],
"adapter": {
"type": "BedGraphTabixAdapter",
"bedGraphGzLocation": {
"uri": "file.bed.gz"
"index": {
"location": {
"uri": "file.bed.gz.tbi"
"type": "AlignmentsTrack",
"trackId": "volvox_alignments",
"name": "volvox-sorted.bam",
"assemblyNames": ["volvox"],
"adapter": {
"type": "BedGraphTabixAdapter",
"uri": "file.bed.gz"
The CLI tools and other systems will continue to output the verbose version for the time being, but this simplified system will be handy to anyone who does hand-coding of the configuration
To install JBrowse 2 for the web, you can download the link above, or you can use the JBrowse CLI to automatically download the latest version. See the JBrowse web quick start for more details.
yarn run v1.22.22 $ lerna-changelog --silent --silent --next-version 3.1.0
3.1.0 (2025-03-14)
🚀 Enhancement
- Other
- #4876 Allow inferring default values of adapter urls to simplify config.json (@cmdcolin)
- #4875 Add sample data from HGSVCv3 to 1000 genomes demo and config_demo (@cmdcolin)
- #4880 Allow selecting track error messages with click and drag (@cmdcolin)
- #4882 Allow clustering multi-wiggle tracks on the fly (@cmdcolin)
- #4874 Use a '012' matrix to improve clustering of genotypes (@cmdcolin)
- #4237 Add ability for views to pin elements, such as headers and tracks (@garrettjstevens)
🐛 Bug Fix
- Other
Committers: 2
- Colin Diesh (@cmdcolin)
- Garrett Stevens (@garrettjstevens) Done in 1.07s.