v2.7.0 Release
This release contains a number of new features and improvements
adds the concept of a 'focused view' and keyboard shortcuts for zoom in/out (ctrl or cmd+up/down) and side to side scroll (ctrl or cmd +left/right)
make bookmark persistent in localstorage so that they are usable across different sessions
upgrades jbrowse-web and jbrowse-desktop to use React 18 and latest versions of mobx+mobx-react+mobx-state-tree, and enable React.StrictMode
Note: embedded users can also opt-into React 18 for their apps, see lgv storybook for details
See the full changelog below for details!
To install JBrowse 2 for the web, you can download the link above, or you can use the JBrowse CLI to automatically download the latest version. See the JBrowse web quick start for more details.
2.7.0 (2023-10-04)โ
๐ Enhancementโ
- Other
- #3956 Make faceted track selector facet filters responsive to adjacent filter selections (@cmdcolin)
- #3953 Report JSON parse error when failing to load JSON file on desktop (@cmdcolin)
- #3951 Add jobs widget to jbrowse-web (@carolinebridge-oicr)
- #3900 Make bookmarks persistent across sessions with local storage (@carolinebridge-oicr)
- #3896 Upgrade oclif to v3 to avoid deprecation warnings (@garrettjstevens)
- #3907 Change the config.json missing screen to an "It worked!" message (@cmdcolin)
- #3901 Use shortened VCF feature description for some types of insertions and deletions (@cmdcolin)
- #3840 Adds custom filtering option to alignments tracks (@carolinebridge-oicr)
- #3832 Adds keyboard shortcuts for panning and zooming on a focused view (@carolinebridge-oicr)
- #3831 Adds session model reference to view in focus (@carolinebridge-oicr)
๐ Bug Fixโ
- Other
- #3946 Fix setting multiple hierarchical defaultCollapsed config options at initialization (@cmdcolin)
- #3937 Fix dev mode error from LGV overview scalebar (@cmdcolin)
- #3925 Reduce amount of canvas commands issued to the dotplot renderer (@cmdcolin)
- #3924 Fix incorrect tick mark label on dotplot axes happening in some cases (@cmdcolin)
- #3921 Fix hydration warning by only rendering the SvgFeature "selected feature" and "mouseover" client side (@cmdcolin)
- #3910 Fix feature label offsets in SVG exports with main thread RPC (@cmdcolin)
- #3905 Fix alignments track infinite loading when applying same "Color by" or "Sort by" setting twice (@cmdcolin)
- #3904 Fix "Color by"->"Mapping quality" for CRAM files (@cmdcolin)
- #3902 Fix ability to use plaintext bed in add-track CLI (@cmdcolin)
- #3929 Fix mouse getting out of sync while dragging resize handle (@cmdcolin)
- #3912 Avoid undefined getConf on assembly.configuration safeReference (@cmdcolin)
- #3887 Add forwardRef to wrapped re-exported lazy components (@garrettjstevens)
- #3866 Fix calculation of width of "view container title" (@cmdcolin)
- #3865 Strip alpha from colors for improved SVG export compatibility (@cmdcolin)
๐ Documentationโ
- #3957 Add error handler example for embedded components (@cmdcolin)
- #3913 Add color scheme for pathogenicity for ClinVar config_demo track (@scottcain)
- #3881 Improve some of the extension point documentation (@cmdcolin)
๐ Internalโ
- Other
Committers: 4โ
- Caroline Bridge (@carolinebridge-oicr)
- Colin Diesh (@cmdcolin)
- Garrett Stevens (@garrettjstevens)
- Scott Cain (@scottcain) Done in 2.80s.